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    Optical Grade Quartz Wafers
    Optical Grade Quartz WafersOptical Grade Quartz WafersOptical Grade Quartz Wafers
    Optical Grade Quartz WafersOptical Grade Quartz WafersOptical Grade Quartz Wafers

    Optical Grade Quartz Wafers

    Optical grade single crystal quartz exhibits exceptional optical and electrical properties. It is with extremely high purity and low impurity levels. The concentrations of Al, Na, Ca, Fe, and Li are significantly reduced.

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    Optical grade single crystal quartz 

    Optical grade single crystal quartz exhibits exceptional optical and electrical properties. It is with extremely high purity and low impurity levels. The concentrations of Al, Na, Ca, Fe, and Li are significantly reduced.

    Advantages of optical grade single crystal quartz include ultra-high purity, high laser resistance (maintaining high transmittance even in the vacuum ultraviolet region), no fluorescence, radiation resistance, and avilability of large dimensions. These characteristics make optical grade crystal quartz particularly suitable for demanding optical applications such as quartz waveplates, polarizers, prisms, various window materials, vacuum ultraviolet laser crystals, components in radiation environments, ArF excimer laser optical elements, and UV spectrometer prisms.

    The Q value of this optical grade synthetic quartz can reach as high as 3.5 to 3.8 million, with no inclusions, etch channel densities (ECD), or defects. It is the preferred material for high-precision optical and electronic components, used in manufacturing ultra-stable, low-noise resonators/oscillators, SAW sensors, inertial navigation systems (accelerometers, gyroscopes), etc.

    Hangzhou Freqcontrol Electronic Technology Ltd. (CQT Group) offer high-quality optical grade quartz single crystal bars. Dimensions X: 100mm, Y: 220mm, Z: 28mm. 

    CQT Group can also process the crystal into wafers with various orientation cuts. The wafer diameters are normally, 2 inch, 3 inch and 4 inches.

    Optical grade single crystal quartz process capability

    Specifications for raw crystal material: High Q Quartz Bar

    ZZ: 28mm minimum

    XX: 78-100mm nominal

    YY:220mm nominal

    Alpha(α): <0.033(IEC 60758 GradeA)

    Inclusions: <12/cm2(lEC 60758 Grade A)

    ECD: <10 (IEC 60758 Grade 1)

    Example of our material quality data:

    Bar NumberZ-width(mm)Inclusions

    Alpha(α)   Max / Avg / Min 

    Etch Channel Density / cm2
    Bar 129.7000.0279 / 0.0207 / 0.01831
    Bar 240.8000.0202 / 0.0188 / 0.01740
    Bar 341.5200.0202 / 0.0188 / 0.01740

    Main single quartz substrate specifications

    MaterialQuartz Crystal 
    Cutting AngleX/Y/Z-cut  etc
    Tol(±)<0.20 mm
    Thickness0.05mm  or more
    LTV (5mmx5mm) <1µm
    TTV <3µm
    Surface TypeSingle Side Polished /Double Sides Polished
    Polished side Ra<0.5nm
    Back Side CriteriaGeneral is 0.2-0.5µm or as customized
    Scratch/DigBette than 40/20
    Edge CriteriaR=0.2mm or Bullnose
    Wafer Surface CriteriaParticles ¢>0.3 µm<= 30
    Scratch , ChippingNone
    DefectNo edge cracks, scratches, saw marks, stains
    PackagingQty/Wafer box25pcs per box 

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